Estimating your ATAR is crucial for planning your educational journey, especially for university admissions. It provides a realistic idea of the courses you're eligible for, helping you set achievable goals and make informed decisions.
Students earn 2 bonus points for each eligible Year 12 subject, up to a maximum of 4 points. Eligible subjects include English, English Literature, Languages, Mathematical Methods, and Specialist Mathematics.
To use this ATAR calculator, you must select five different subjects and provide your estimated grades for each. This ensures a more accurate and comprehensive ATAR estimate.
Got lots of you wondering about the ATAR calculator's accuracy, so here's the scoop. It’s tough to get an exact ATAR calculator because within grades it’s possible to get a “high” grade (e.g. high scaled A-) or a “low” grade (e.g. low scaled A-). But after averaging heaps of scores, it's solid, usually within ±1 point. calcATAR's accuracy pretty much comes down to the grades you put in - it's spot on with what it's given.
This ATAR calculator employs historical scaling data, averages multi-year score distributions, and utilises regressional analysis for university aggregate-to-ATAR conversions, ensuring unparalleled result accuracy. This is a provisional approximation and should not be construed as unequivocally precise. For more detailed information, visit our scaling data page. If you need any help or have any questions, join our Facebook group.
If you need any help or have any questions, join our Facebook group.